lördag 15 januari 2011

Nice visits

Last night we had a visit from Sofia Christensen who is the breeder of Spira and Allak. We ate pizza and talked, of course, dogs and equipment for our trip. Sofia offered to lend her elevated tobboga, a pair of snowshoes and a multifuelkök. Decent Sofia:))

Today came Håkans former colleague, Björn, and his two daughters on a visit. After they had greeted all the dogs they went for a sleigh ride of about 10km. For Björn, Linnéa and Klara it was the first time and it was with high expectations as they left. Hakan with eight dogs and Klara in the sled and Björn with six dogs and Linnéa in the sled.

Björn and Linnéa

Håkan and Klara
Björn and Linnéa

Björn and Linnéa

They had a good trip and all were very satisfied. When the dogs were taken care of, we went and had coffee and as thanks for the tour, we had a bottle of wine and a box of chocolates, which both will facilitate the intended planning tonight:))

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