måndag 14 mars 2011


Today has been LUXURY in big letters. Conditions have been super, and right now when I sit and write this, Christina and Hakan crawled into their sleeping bags after a long and wonderful shower. They really have learned in this short time to appreciate the little in this world.

Now to today's blogging: After starting this morning, it was very steep for about 1 ½ hours, only once did they pick up snow shovels and pushed snow under the sled. Once up on the mountain, it was down hill....over the bald mountain.The sun has fried, despite the protective factor of 50 is now Christina is now a canker.

The day has been very diverse in terrain, uphill, downhill, over lakes and some forest driving.The dogs have loved it and only on the lake was some stops. There, Christina change leader bitches for a while after having
even more trouble, she switched back to Spira.They had now gone south over which to their great delight, was that they had the wind (2-7m/sek) in the back.

When they arrived at Anrisstugan they met the day's first man, the landlord. There they took a lunch break, rosehip soup and macaroons, before it was time to move on. Later, they meet  the next man, a
man with two German pointers. Hakan thought he had an eye on his dogs (the optimist, he has samoyeds *lol*), which resulted in that Hakan has visited another check post and the jointed glass fiber-fir central pole now needs some more repairs tomorrow. Luckily he managed to stop the dogs before it happened a major

Tonight is the dogs outside the house on Håckrenlägret, 15 km south of Mattmar.When they arrived was not the plant open but a good caravan visitors helped to get the values ​​and opened up one of the cottages to Chrsitina and Hakan.The cabin is one room with kitchenette, shower, toilet and especially running water. So tonight was not necessary to melt snow for the dogs would have their water needs met, some clothes
are washed and our adventurers are clean:)


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