Our dear adventurers are after today very tired it has been hard on them, well Christina anyway. Hakan did not sound so tired.Now when I hung up, it would enjoy mashed potatoes and a piece of salmon in an emergency cabin along the track.
They have had it tough today, really tough.There has been snow loose in many places after the storms which have been on bald mountain. Hakan and Christina have occasionally been shoveling their way, now you may ask what I mean but you read it right, they have been shoveling snow in front of the sleigh so that they have
been able to get around with a big sled. Pictures will come when they get home but I can give you a little vision, the sled hanging from a birch tree and standing over a fir tree.
They have not come a long way today. At 6½ hours, they reached 15 kilometers. Then, they have not stopped more than a maximum of 10 minutes throughout the day but it has not been anything wrong with the dogs' motivation. Although they have been in the loose snow up to their stomachs (Christina has not been able to get off of when she fell down to the groin) and had a lot of ice in the bottom so they pulled out both the sled and Christina on the snow places and others have been graveland stone.
They have about a mil left to Anaris cottage, where they would come tonight but as you know, it has not
gone. So the hope that they will arrive there tomorrow. Hakan continues to repair his sled all a McGyver, now it's fiberglass centrale pole who is now spliced with pine boughs and attached with cable ties. I don't think he is thinking about having this sled for many more adventures. Christina's big sled is, which is very lucky.
Spot position: http://www.findmespot.com/mylocation/?id=4OqIx/63.11623/13.1975
There was a small flash back for today! / Pernilla
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